We have a 4 Step strategy:
⦿ Target: We feel the best real estate asset class return / risk profile is multi-family rental in North America
⦿ Focus: We believe the leading multi-family rental market in North America is the Greater Toronto Area (“GTA”)
⦿ Execute: We created a joint venture (“JV”) with a ~$2 billion multi-family partner with 20 year track record and a focus on the GTA market to build a portfolio of existing multi-family rentals to refurbish while providing minimum distribution of 5% annually to unitholders as return on capital (tax efficient)
⦿ Exit: A unique strategy to use a convertible debenture to exit unitholders of the Trust by 2027
Our management team has been carefully chosen for their industry experience, strong business ethics, and complementary expertise. Their specific skills and capacity are core factors that will contribute to the successful execution of the company’s business vision and objectives.
Corporate governance refers to the system of rules, practices and processes by which a business sets out how it will be directed and controlled. Corporate governance is about setting the “tone from the top” that encourages an environment of integrity, transparency, accountability and independent oversight.